
Breast Augmentation with Breast Implants or Fat Transfer

by Dr Anh

Two common breast augmentation methods are using breast implants, or performing a fat transfer procedure. Essentially, each option has its own benefits and limitations, and it will all come down to which procedure will work best for you.

In this blog, we’ll outline the key differences between both surgeries and discuss how you can decide. Some factors will need to be considered that can ultimately be the deciding factor, which would need to be discussed with an experienced surgeon during a consultation.

Once you have read this blog and have become familiar with both options, you are welcome to contact our team to organise your consultation with experienced Specialist Plastic Surgeon Dr Anh Nguyen.

A breast augmentation with breast implants: How is the procedure performed?

Breast implants come in a variety of sizes, profiles, and shapes, giving you the flexibility to tailor your breast augmentation results to your personal preferences. The wide range of options means that choosing breast implants will offer flexibility in terms of how subtle or significant you want your changes to be.

Depending on how you want your results to look and feel, your implants may be made with saline or silicone, round or anatomical in shape, textured or smooth, and either low, moderate, or high in profile. They can also be placed either under or over the pectoral muscle.

Implants are also made in a wide variety of sizes, measured in cubic centimetres. During your consultation, Dr Anh will help you choose the right size that aligns with your goals and will fit your frame.

As for how the procedure is performed, Dr Anh performs the procedure under general anaesthesia, working alongside qualified and experienced anaesthetists. The anaesthetist’s job will be to continue to monitor you throughout the procedure, after administering the anaesthesia.

Dr Anh will then make the incisions, in the placement and pattern that will allow her to follow the pre-planned procedure steps. You’ll discuss your incisions during your consultation so that you will know what to expect to see on your body after your procedure. Generally, the incision may be placed under the breast fold, around the edge of the areola, or in the armpit.

A pocket will then need to be made to fit the breast implant, which can be either underneath or above the pectoral muscle. Once the implants have been carefully placed, your incisions will then be closed with layered sutures, using a refined technique.

You would be thoroughly briefed on the procedure process before going into surgery, so that you’ll have all of the information you will need before the day of your procedure.

Fat transfer: An alternative for a subtle to moderate change

The fat transfer method of breast augmentation, sometimes referred to as fat grafting, uses your own fat to slightly or moderately increase breast volume. This option can appeal to those looking for a less extensive approach and preferring to avoid the insertion of breast implants.

Depending on how much of an increase in volume you would like to achieve, you may need more than one fat transfer operation. Not only can this be for the purpose of building on the fat within the breasts, but sometimes, not all of the fat cells that are moved to the breasts during the procedure will remain after surgery. It’s normal for the body to naturally absorb some of the fat cells over time, which is why a review of your results after the initial surgery can be necessary.

Like an augmentation with implants, Dr Anh will perform the procedure under general anaesthesia, with a qualified and experienced anaesthetist. After placing small incisions in the area that fat will be taken from, such as the abdomen, thighs or another area of the body, liposuction can be performed by inserting the small cannula. The fat is then processed, before being carefully and precisely injected into the breasts.

The procedure uses smaller incisions than an augmentation with implants, as it will typically only require small incisions to place the liposuction cannula. You will still be briefed on where these incisions will be placed before undergoing the procedure, so that you will know what to expect afterwards.

Just like with the breast implant augmentation process, you’ll have a discussion with Dr Anh before undergoing the procedure, ensuring that you’re well prepared.

How to decide between the two procedures

When it comes to your personal preferences, there’s no right or wrong answer as to which procedure to choose – ultimately, it will all come down to what you would like to achieve, and other individual factors like your body frame and personal features.

However, there are some factors to consider that can actually determine which procedure you’re suitable for, regardless of your preferences.

Firstly, if you’re interested in the fat transfer option, your suitability will depend on whether you have sufficient fat in another area of the body (like the abdomen or thighs) to use as a fat donor site.

The procedure is designed to use your own fat as a source for breast fat transfer, so if you do not have a sufficient source of fat in another area of the body, you likely won’t be considered a suitable candidate. However, if a subtle change is what you are after, a breast augmentation with implants will still allow you to select smaller implants.

If you are after a more significant change, this can also rule out the breast fat transfer option. While it can still achieve a noticeable change in volume, a fat transfer has limitations regarding how much larger it can make the breasts.

Now that we’ve discussed what could make you decide to undergo a breast augmentation with implants instead, let’s go over the factors that would make you a more suitable candidate for the fat transfer option.

If you are deemed unsuitable for an extensive procedure involving the placement of implants, you may still be considered suitable for a breast fat transfer, as it does not involve the placement of foreign objects in your body. It also typically involves smaller incisions, which can reduce and simplify recovery.

A fat transfer can also be a more suitable option if you only want a small change in volume and shape, as inserting smaller implants may not be necessary to achieve the desired results.

Essentially, one procedure isn’t necessarily better than the other, but one option may be far better suited to you than the other.

Sometimes, a surgeon may even suggest combining both methods – typically undergoing an augmentation with implants before having a fat transfer. The added fat transfer can help further refine the new shape and possibly help to aesthetically blend in the outline of the implants. You’ll be able to discuss the option of utilising both methods with Dr Anh during your consultation.

While considering these factors and deeply considering your personal preferences will help you decide which procedure you would prefer, a consultation will be the ultimate deciding factor between the two options.

See Specialist Plastic Surgeon Dr Anh for an informative, detailed consultation in Perth

Choosing between your breast augmentation options is about making a choice that feels right for you, and closely assessing your needs and features to see which procedure you are more suitable for.

Whether you’re drawn to the versatility of implants or the less extensive method of fat transfer, both procedure options can be an effective breast augmentation method. The journey is deeply personal, and there’s no one-size-fits-all answer.

No matter which method you’re considering, a thorough consultation with a qualified and experienced surgeon will be an essential first step.

By exploring your options and understanding what each approach entails, an in-depth and informative discussion with Dr Anh will point you in the right direction. A consultation will be your opportunity to discuss your goals, ask questions, and have your physical features closely assessed.

Located in Perth, your consultation will be an important and helpful step in your breast augmentation journey. Please contact our team to begin arranging your consultation with Specialist Plastic Surgeon Dr Anh.

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